Do you want to hit the ball more solidly and gain an extra 10 to 20 yards on your drives? To solidly hit long irons and woods you must be able to sustain the lag as you deliver the club through impact. The faster the clubhead speed, the more difficult it is to sustain the lag. The workhorse, led by the powerful driving of the hips is the key component that successfully delivers a lagging clubhead through the ball. In essence–stronger core, stronger impact.
This is how effortless looking power is born and how one sustains the lag with high clubhead speeds. So what is the most important muscle group that allows the workhorse to perform? No doubt, it’s your CORE!
You must have a strong, flexible core in order to create a powerful turn with maximum torque. While there are other body parts that are important contributors to developing speed and consistency in your swing, such as the hamstrings, quadriceps, upper back muscles, shoulder muscles and forearms, the core is truly your powerhouse of STRENGTH! Your core is the engine that powers the workhorse and drives your POWER!
So how do you develop your core and gain all this power? The answer is by engaging in a series of workouts called Yogalates which is a combination of Yoga and Pilates. Each provides a unique workout for the body, but when combined together these two exercise approaches will help you to experience increased strength and flexibility and burn a ton of calories. Yogalates will focus on exactly what you need — strengthening and stretching of your abdominal muscles, hips, and glutes.
In the coming days and weeks, we will be posting a collection of video tips here on the Impact Zone Golf website which will show you exactly how to perform many of the key stretch and strengthening exercises targeted specifically for golfers looking to improve their performance at the moment of truth – impact!