Customer Testimonials

Our team of Certified Impact Zone Instructors have been trained personally by Impact-Based Instruction founder, Bobby Clampett. At our various Golf Academies, your golf game is in extremely capable hands.

Dar Th

I had Paul as my instructor and he was so insightful, he helped me right away! I’m a sub 10 HCP and it’s hard to find pro’s with his level of insight. I was very impressed and my random hook is gone! I really like the Impact Zone instruction, it’s so clear. I’m hooked!

Stan Stanberry

This PGA junior overnight camp was truly a fantastic experience- Bobby and his staff did an A+ job of working with 15-16 year olds on every thing golf that you could fit in.

Matt M.

I have been working with Bernard for a few months now. I can in with a “26” handicap that included a breakfast ball, 2 mulligans, and the other “I’m just playing for fun” excuses.

I have spent this time developing not just a proper swing but my understanding of how to play the game. Not only am I’m playing FAR better than I thought possible but Bernard has been able to tailor my training to my learning style.

I finally have a proper grasp of not just how I should swing but how to evaluate my swing each and every time and make the adjustments I need. Not only am I playing better but the confidence I have in my own ability has made an IMMENSE impact on my enjoyment of the game.

I can’t recommend Bernard and his team enough. Worth. Very. Penny.


Just a brief note to thank you once again for an unbelievable coaching – student experience with you. You have inspired me to take my game to the next level and for that I am grateful. I appreciate you setting me up with the building blocks for success.

Megan Osland

I am a Professional Golfer playing on the Symetra Tour and I just had my first putting training session with Bernard Sheridan at IZG. He is a fantastic instructor and he was very thorough with each part of the putting lab. I came in with a goal of what I wanted to achieve and he went above and beyond to make sure I left feeling confident in what I had learned. I am extremely happy with what I took away from the session, and I would definitely recommend seeing Bernard at IZG!

Steve Pasquale

Hi Bernie, Some encouraging play yesterday. Played in a NOGA event. It was a net Stableford competition and 81 players in the field. No divisions or flights, everyone against entire field. I won the event. Playing to an 8 hdcp, i shot 77 gross, and rocked up 39 points to lead field. I started out poorly playing first 4 holes in the fiver over. Then played even pa from there out, including 3 birdies and several other good looks at birdie…

Rick K.

Just wanted to say I’ve read The Impact Zone over and over. I’ve read gazillions of “how to” books on golf and this one finally did it. Took hours of private lessons watched hours of YouTube stuff. Been playing as my main recreation sport since 1987 and was for a while a 4 handicap once upon a time based on strength and flexibility I suppose. Am 66 now and striking it as good now as ever as well as chipping. Putting got better with Stan Utley’s suggestions but trying to incorporate the “flat left wrist” in that too.  
Best instruction book ever. Thank you so much for your contribution.

Joe Crone

Excellent instructor (Lloyd), took his time with me and explained everything so that I could clearly understand the changes I need to make and what to work on

Terry W. Yates

I am still drawing off of your lesson. I shot a career low 68 last Sunday. It’s been my best year of golf and wanted to thank you again.


Fabulous. Long time 7 index. Shot 72 1 week after my session with Bernard. Simple language provided great education. Highly recommended