Loft and Club Face
Dave has a great question for Bobby this week about the driver- in fact, he asks how to achieve 12 degrees of launch while hitting the ball on the downswing with a driver that only has 10 degrees of loft on it. Seems impossible at first, doesn’t it? Time for a little clinic on loft and club face.
Did you know that the club face of a driver has spots on its surface area that really determine the flight path of the golf ball? The face of a driver has what’s known as bulge and roll. Where you make impact with the club face matters, as well as if you’re swinging up or down on the ball at impact.
Watch as Bobby Clampett explains launch, loft and club face in this week’s edition of Clampett’s Corner!
It’s all about The Driver – the most misunderstood club in your bag. The tremendous response to the Impact Zone® Golf Training System (4-video set) and its companions, High Speed and Clubhead Lag, inspired us to start The Advanced Series Videos. And our first of the series is the Advanced Driver Series. Have a look: Improve with your driver