Bobby Clampett's
Follow along with PGA Champion Bobby Clampett with his online golf training system and start learning how to hit the ball correctly at impact, hit it longer, more consistent, and have the impact position of a pro all in the comfort of your own home, office or on the range!
The IZG® Digital Golf Academy is a unique, comprehensive online golf app that covers everything you'll ever need to master the game of golf - from the fundamentals of proper swing dynamics, drills to hone your skills with every club in the bag, strategy and course management, and so much more.
PGA Tour champion Bobby Clampett has broken through the barriers holding your game back by focusing on Impact, not your swing style!
Bobby’s revolutionary insight unlocked the key to finally hitting shots consistently, with power and accuracy, time after time.
He makes everything so simple to understand – not only in person at his prestigious golf academy training – but also direct to you via video, where you can see every element of the 5 Dynamics of Impact in the comfort of your home, office or on the range.
No matter your experience, handicap or skill level, you can develop quality impact on each swing, and become a better ball striker immediately with the IZG Digital Academy.
Subscribe and gain instant members only access to PGA tour winner Bobby Clampett's entire library of over 200 golf instructional videos, lessons, tips and drills.
Follow along with Bobby and start learning how to hit the ball correctly at impact. Before you know it, you will hit the ball longer, more consistent, and have the impact position of a pro!
Angry. Puzzled. Frustrated beyond human endurance.
Ready to hang up the shoes, chuck the clubs in the nearest hazard, and give up golf once and for all.
But we don’t.
We can’t quit.
Because we LOVE this game… if only it didn’t make us crazy.
Well, I have good news…
Conventional wisdom lays out all kinds of rules about “How You Must Swing” to make the ball perform the way you want.
But here’s the truth: the golf ball doesn’t care.
The golf ball doesn’t care if your swing looks pretty.
The golf ball doesn’t care if your follow-through is ugly or if your backswing is awkward.
The golf ball doesn’t care if you’re short, tall, fat, skinny, young, old, male, female – nothing about you matters to it in the least.
All that matters is IMPACT.
Once you understand and put into use Bobby’s 5 Dynamics of IMPACT, you’ll be able to properly execute any golf shot you’ll ever face. Period.
And now you can put Bobby’s insight to work in your game in the most complete way possible: