Customer Testimonials

Our team of Certified Impact Zone Instructors have been trained personally by Impact-Based Instruction founder, Bobby Clampett. At our various Golf Academies, your golf game is in extremely capable hands.

Ruth Thornton

Excellent experience with ‘Bernie’ as my instructor – have seen great improvements in my game, but more importantly, he took the mystery out of how to play better golf, it’s just a system, a protocol of some fundamentals that equate to better ball striking and consistency – huge thanks to Bernie – I’m back to loving the game

Bill Smith

If you want to have a positive impact on your game, contact Bobby Clampett.  He is a natural teacher who knows how to praise and how to grade hard when necessary.  Bobby is worth every penny.

George Whiteley

My wife and I attended a two day school this past weekend and had the remarkable good fortune to have Bernard Sheridan to ourselves for a total of 8 hours. He focused on each of us with our individual swing issues. He introduced us to a series of drills which will be key to our improvement now and in the future. The drills we feel are hugely effective to learn the feel of maximizing the workhorse dynamic so essential to achieve consistent ball striking.

Robert Rohanna, PGA Latin America Tour

Dennis and I have been working together for more than a decade. I owe a lot of where I am today with golf to him. His knowledge about the game and swing is like no other.

Ken Foley

I am a high handicapper who has taken lessons from various golf instructors for six years but my handicap never improved until Bernie Sheridan began instructing me at Impact Zone.

William Diveley

Colton was amazing with my six year old. Communicates with him so he really understands.

Don Ogilvie

My director of golf for over 20 years at north shore country club near Chicago is Tim O’Neal.  Tim told me that you had the best teaching video in golf.  I am 71 and a 7 handicap.  Got the video a few days ago.  Shot 78 second day.  Shot best of my career 69 today w nine birdie putts missed inside 9 ft. Hit 16 greens.  First time ever shooting my age. Thanks so Much!!! 

Chris Panek

I had 2 excellent lessons with Bernard at the Impact Zone. I was on a golf trip and was really struggling with my swing. Luckily we found Bernard and he was able to give me some great instruction to salvage my game on the trip. I went from a terrible hook to some of the best ball striking I’ve had in years. I look forward to working with Bernard remotely from New Jersey and I will be seeing him on my next trip to Naples. Do yourself a favor and book some lessons with Bernard.

Bryan W.

This team is well worth the money. They are excellent teachers and coaches. And the technology is amazing. Invest in yourself to become the best you can be and sign up for lessons. You’ll be glad you did!

Shawn Schiffer

Only days after reading the Impact Zone, I broke 80 for the first time.  My handicap is already down to 10, the lowest it’s ever been, even after two hip replacement surgeries.  I just had to enroll in Bobby’s Signature Golf School.