Dr. Eric Wilson
PGA Master Professional, Impact Zone Golf Master Instructor
As Bobby Clampett states on page 15 of his book The Impact Zone, “The first law of Dynamic Number One is, regardless of the length of shot you are playing, you must arrive at impact with a flat left wrist.” He further says “it is the number one, key alignment for hitting solid golf shots, from the putt to the drive.” Bobby concludes “Because it lessens if not eliminates any kind of uneven and erratic motion in the swing, the flat left wrist at impact qualifies as golf’s master dynamic.”
Let’s take a look at the top 5 players in the World Golf Rankings and how they achieve impact:

While none of these great players are identical in their impact positions, the common denominator is the flat left wrist at impact. The definition of flat left wrist is that the back of the left hand, the left wrist, and the left forearm create, or lie on, a flat, straight plane. If you study the players above, you will notice that while the shaft leans, club face angles, and club face rotations are not exactly the same, the back of the left hand, the left wrist, and the left forearm all lie in the same plane. The beauty of Bobby’s approach to teaching this great game is that he believes in learning the golf swing small and slow, which develops the best chance of refining the skills necessary to play golf at an enjoyable level. In other words, Bobby recommends learning the importance of the flat left wrist at impact by learning how to achieve this dynamic beginning with the putting stroke. Once mastered with the putting stroke, the student can then learn the flat left wrist by progressing to the chip shot, pitch shot, and finally the full swing. From a learning perspective, it is imperative that the student achieve success with golf’s master dynamic before moving onto the other dynamics of the golf swing