Customer Testimonials

Our team of Certified Impact Zone Instructors have been trained personally by Impact-Based Instruction founder, Bobby Clampett. At our various Golf Academies, your golf game is in extremely capable hands.

Mark Proft

Outstanding analysis tools and specific, actionable advice on how to improve my swing. Far exceeded my expectations. Thank you IZG!

Leo Zappa

Bernard Sheridan works very well with my son and his game has really improved as a result of Bernards’ instruction.

Ken Foley

I am a high handicapper who has taken lessons from various golf instructors for six years but my handicap never improved until Bernie Sheridan began instructing me at Impact Zone.

Don Ogilvie

My director of golf for over 20 years at north shore country club near Chicago is Tim O’Neal.  Tim told me that you had the best teaching video in golf.  I am 71 and a 7 handicap.  Got the video a few days ago.  Shot 78 second day.  Shot best of my career 69 today w nine birdie putts missed inside 9 ft. Hit 16 greens.  First time ever shooting my age. Thanks so Much!!! 

Vic Burns

I was very pleased with the session I had with Bernie. He was very knowledgeable and professional with his presentation. He addressed my problems with solutions and although my problems were not solved in this one session offered plans that would help solve them in the future. Thank you Bernie. I really enjoyed how you related to me personally.

Rob Ross

Paul Surniak is a great instructor with many years of experience. I have had lessons from Paul for several years off and on, mostly just when I really needed it! (If you are a long-time golfer, you’ve been there!) Paul always had a knack for getting me back on track. Now that he has hooked up with Impact Zone (Bobby Clampett), he has gotten even better, and so have I. The structure of this system and the supporting measurement technology make it easier to focus on concrete improvements. My wife and I always complained about having to have “87 swing thoughts” whenever you take lessons. Not any more! The Impact Zone training, especially in the hands of a real expert like Paul, is a way to get measurable results while keeping it simple. Most importantly, it’s just more fun to play good golf! I am frequently scoring in the 70’s for the first time in my life and I just turned 65. If you want to get better, no matter your skill level right now, you owe it to yourself to give Impact Zone a try.

Phil Blanck

Bernard was great! He did a great assessment and gave me the drills to help me get into better positions and improve my swing. One of my best lessons and I have had a single digit handicap for over 50 years.

Adam Hofmann

I had the opportunity to work with Bernard Sheridan today. I was so impressed with his ability to help me understand exactly what I need to do to improve my game. I’m a scratch golfer and I could not recommend Bernard and IZG more. Lessons always start with pressure mats and trackman so there is no guesswork. Bernard was able to give me some simple things that fixed my issues. Terrific coach.

Will Strycker

I have taken several lessons at Impact Zone Golf. Bobby Clampett’s 5 Dynamics provide a solid basis for improvement. Bernard Sheridan’s lessons have been very helpful and reinforce the 5 Dynamics. He provides excellent demonstrations and explanations. Bernie’s approach brings the Five Dynamics to life. He has posted videos on my online training space which further explain and reinforce material presented during the lessons. Thanks Bernie, I appreciate your help.

Terry W. Yates

I am still drawing off of your lesson. I shot a career low 68 last Sunday. It’s been my best year of golf and wanted to thank you again.